To help learning executives supply the required knowledge that enable their organization's workforce to achieve continuous productivity improvement & purposeful innovation—the two key drivers of corporate wealth.

Corporate Learning Network aims to provide more than 20,000 senior level learning/training executives with content, live conferences, CLO Exchanges and online events that produce measurable business-driven results.

Back in 1993, IQPC created the first-ever conference on How to Launch & Manage a Corporate University. Eventually, that conference morphed into Corporate University Week, accompanied by a series of smaller conferences on specific learning topics e.g. Learning Analytics and Learning Spaces.

In 1998, IQPC purchased from Thompson Publishing a bi-monthly magazine known as the Corporate University Review (CUR). Almost immediately, the magazine was converted into a bimonthly 12-page newsletter to complement our associated learning function events.

Without doubt, CUR and our corresponding Corporate University Week conferences took the training world by storm.

We introduced topics never covered before such as:
  • Using strategy maps to align training with corporate goals…
  • Systematically abandoning unproductive and obsolete training programs and activities…
  • Why the best training measurements are business-driven & how to develop the right measurements through collaboration with business functions such as marketing, I/T and finance...
  • The need for organized continuous learning programs to ensure the worst performers learn from the best performers & using knowledge gained in one part of the world to gain competitive advantage in another…
  • And dozens of other topics

In 2011, IQPC changed the name of our Corporate University Week event to Corporate Learning Week & simultaneously launched a corresponding portal called Corporate Learning Network (CLN).

Once again, CLN pioneered many breakthrough topics/conferences related to subjects such as how to spend too much on training by spending too little… Drucker-inspired strategic planning for ITOs … how senior-level training can successfully use what’s known as the marketing concept to identify & provide needed training.

We hope to see you at one of our events soon! Click here for a list of all upcoming events.


The Corporate Learning Network Team