New research about what drives performance has helped businesses understand that traditional performance management (goal setting, reviews, ratings, forced distribution curves) isn’t doing much to actually drive performance or motivate employees; rather it’s focused on the fair allocation of rewards at the end of the year. And that process can often demotivate employees.
The big question is… what should companies do instead?
In this interview, Corporate Learning Week speaker Rob Ollander-Krane, Head of Talent Planning and Performance at Gap Inc., shares:
We are thrilled to present an extraordinary opportunity for professionals in the learning and development field! Get ready to delve into the world of cutting-edge corporate learning strategies with none other than Victoria Feldman, esteemed Head of Learning and Development at Amazon and a distinguished member of the CLN Adboard. In an exclusive interview, Victoria shares her invaluable insights and expertise, giving you a front-row seat to her visionary approach in shaping the future of corporate learning.
Join us at the premier learning conference, CLW Atlanta 2024, from October 7-9. Hear from Terry Joyce, Associate Director of Global Customer Service Training at Wayfair, as he shares insights on leveraging AR for remote training and skills development.
Unlock valuable strategies for your L&D programs.
Download the full interview now and get inspired!
We’ve read time and time again that there’s a lack of diversity that spans from the board room to even televised award shows. And while D&I is becoming more common in conversation, there’s much more work to be done.
That’s why, as corporate trainers, it’s essential to ensure that employees at every level are competent and confident in their roles, with the ability to excel. It not only takes an investment but a focus on inclusion–one that Merck has seen with eyes wide open.
Get a glimpse into one of Corporate Learning Week’s keynote sessions by Tivonnia Harvey, AVP, CLO at Merck. In this interview, she shares how Merck is:
Running training like a business. You’ve heard people say it, but what does it really mean and how could it help you be more successful?
David Vance, Executive Director for the Center for Talent Reporting, has been talking about Running Training/Learning like a Business ever since he ran Caterpillar University, from 2001-2007. He knows firsthand how this isn’t difficult in concept, but can be quite challenging in practice.
In this exclusive interview, Dave scratches the surface of his Corporate Learning Week session, and shares his experience of applying business principles to learning and:
No one is too young or too old to learn. We can literally force our brains to work in new and marvelous ways by adapting new thought patterns to help us make better decisions, ask the right questions and continuously improve our individual (and corporate) productivity via the practice of self-management.
In this new ebook, Knowledge Worker Productivity and the Practice of Self-Management, Dr. Jeremy Hunter and J. Scott Scherer will enlighten you to restructure your thinking by presenting you with a powerful methodology for letting go of old attitudes that keep many people stuck in traditional mind-sets and unable (or unwilling) to radically liberate themselves from self-imposed boundaries.
If you learn to liberate yourself (and you most definitely can), you’ll see things previously unseen, and open yourself up to a new world full of possibilities.
In good practice (and business), we can assume that most internal training organizations try to avoid exorbitant cost-spending, even more-so when that money is coming from your local taxpayers.
Adele Cook, Chief Learning Officer of the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) and upcoming speaker at Corporate Learning Week 2020 knows this quite well. When working for an organization that’s regulated by the federal government, she knows they need to be a good steward of the tax payers’ money or risk being fined for being off target.
In this exclusive interview, Adele gave us a sneak peek into her CLW2020 session about:
In this interview, Walter Davis, Head of Talent and Learning Application at Aggreko gave us a sneak peek into his session for Corporate Learning Week 2020. Get a glimpse of the role that augmented reality plays at Aggreko, why it’s a trend and considerations for integrating it at your company. Key takeaways include:
According to the Harvard Business Review, a whopping 95% of Chief Human Resources Officers from organizations of all sizes and industries report that employee burnout is sabotaging their workforce, resulting in high turnover rates and costs.
In the first of our Corporate Learning Week Q&A Series, Jacquelyn Fletcher Johnson, Founder & CEO of Heartwood Healing and upcoming speaker at Corporate Learning Week 2020 shares her thoughts on how your company can leverage mindfulness to create happier and healthier employees, and offers a mini-mindfulness exercise that can start creating change now.
The costs of organizational turnover have substantial economic consequences. Accordingly, scholars and practitioners have strategized how to reduce followers’ turnover intentions, potentially saving organizations the direct and indirect costs of turnover.
The literature provides evidence that leaders’ behaviors directly impact subordinates’ turnover intentions. This research studied leaders and followers in a healthcare institution based in the Southwest U.S., focusing on the follower’s perceptions of their managers’ leadership behaviors. It specifically examined the effects of leaders’ emotional intelligence on their followers’ turnover intentions. The results indicated that higher levels of leader emotional intelligence had an inverse effect on follower turnover intentions, thereby reducing followers’ inclinations to leave their organizations.
This study adds to the streams of literature supporting the positive effects of emotional intelligence in a turnover intentions-based model. The findings can be integrated into human resources strategies to help leaders in all industries develop more holistic leadership programs to reduce organizational turnover.
-Dr. Emmanuel Dalavai, Adjunct Professor, The University of Dallas