LeadIn30™ is the experience your leaders need. We believe your company's effectiveness is only as good as your people-leaders. Teams rise and fall based on their leaders. Employees seek or leave an organization based on its leaders. Results are achieved because of leaders. However, far too many organizations permit and promote managers. Managers maintain the status quo, focus on policies, and work with employees. Managers are the wrong fit for your organization if you want results. LeadIn30 can turn those managers into the leaders you need. That transformation comes from using the Leadership Operating System (LeaderOS)™. LeaderOS™ is a workflow that helps leaders foster clarity, create alignment, and generate movement toward key results. Participants learn this workflow through dynamic live training, on-demand resources, and peer discussions aligned with company initiatives. LeaderOS™ has taken thousands of overwhelmed managers and turned them into high-performing leaders in only 30 days. Join LeadIn30™ and start creating leaders in your organization.