Main Conference Day 1: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Registration and Breakfast

7:15 am - 8:15 am

Welcome Orientation & Opening Remarks

8:15 am - 8:30 am

Opening Keynote Panel Discussion

8:30 am - 9:10 am Forging a Future-Ready Workplace

The emergence of AI and the skills-based organizational model have transformed the modern work sphere in 2024, and itโ€™s impossible to predict which trends will emerge next. To stay relevant in this ever-evolving landscape, businesses must proactively adapt by fostering a culture of ongoing learning. This involves prioritizing upskilling and reskilling efforts, fostering supportive learning environments, promoting empathy and understanding, and more. Attend this panel session to learn about:  

  • Building and fortifying organizational resilience in the face of global transformations 
  • Developing a workforce equipped to embrace change 
  • Sustaining and attracting top talent through learning programs that are attuned to societal trends 

Keynote Panel Discussion

9:15 am - 9:55 am The Skills Revolution: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Workplaces are currently evolving towards a skills-centric approach, with many companies either embarking on or already immersed in the journey of becoming predominantly skills-driven. Instead of fixating solely on conventional job titles and roles, these organizations prioritize the identification, cultivation, and utilization of individual skills and competencies. Embracing this paradigm shift empowers companies to optimize workforce deployment, nurture continuous learning and growth, and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. In this session, we'll delve into:

  • Recognizing the strategic merits of transitioning towards a skills-centric organizational framework 
  • Harnessing skills mapping to enhance agility and adaptability in response to evolving market dynamics and technological advancements 
  • Implementing effective strategies for integrating skills-based practices into organizational structures and processes 

Demo Drive | Exhibit Break

10:35 am - 11:35 am

Track Sessions

11:40 am - 12:20 pm Strategy & Innovation | Applying L&D to Support Your Company's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Initiatives

A diverse workforce brings numerous advantages, including improved performance, innovation, and efficiency. Beyond merely cultivating a positive organizational culture, DE&I training plays a crucial role in unveiling hidden biases and rectifying unfair recruitment and developmental practices. Collaboration between learning and DE&I leaders is essential for championing an inclusive workplace environment. Join this session to delve into: 

  • Developing a comprehensive and sustainable DE&I strategy that aligns with organizational values 
  • Integrating diversity principles into learning materials to reinforce a culture of inclusivity 
  • Identifying and remedying discriminatory management practices and biased workplace systems to promote equity and a sense of belonging 

11:40 am - 12:20 pm Data, Analytics & Problem-Solving | Generative AI and Its Impact on L&D

In recent years, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives in various forms. However, the emergence of generative AI, capable of producing content autonomously, is revolutionizing the landscape once again. With generative AI gaining widespread popularity, especially with innovations like ChatGPT, L&D professionals are incorporating it into critical functions such as content creation, learning analytics, instructor support, and more. Join this session to explore: 

  • Current strategies employed by L&D executives to integrate Generative AI into their learning solutions 
  • Approaches to enhancing your own utilization of Generative AI within the L&D department 
  • Predictions for future applications of Generative AI in the realm of L&D 

11:40 am - 12:20 pm HR Track | Aligning HR Strategy with Business Objectives: Optimizing Organizational Performance

The harmonization of HR strategy with business goals is instrumental in determining organizational success, facilitating peak performance, and fostering enduring growth. Attend this session to discuss: 

  • Crafting HR strategies that intricately align with and bolster the overarching goals and vision of the organization 
  • Utilizing HR metrics and analytics to gauge the impact of HR initiatives on advancing business objectives effectively 
  • Implementing agile HR practices that can adapt to evolving business demands, nurturing innovation, agility, and resilience within the organization 

Track Sessions

12:25 pm - 1:05 pm Strategy & Innovation | Crafting Instructional Design with User Experience in Mind

When designing learning programs, instructional designers must prioritize creating an optimal experience that is both efficient and user-friendly. This entails making content readily accessible on-demand and seamlessly integrated into the workflow, ensuring that learners can access knowledge precisely when needed. Moreover, the content should be engaging and easily digestible, utilizing techniques such as microlearning and gamification. Join this session to discuss: 

  • Implementing user-friendly learning materials to enhance program efficacy 
  • Developing instructional design strategies that empower learners to accomplish their objectives 
  • Crafting effective delivery methods and clarifying key takeaways and core messages 

12:25 pm - 1:05 pm Data, Analytics & Problem-Solving | Thinking Creatively About AR Enablement for Remote Training and Applied Skills Development

Augmented Reality has brought hands-on technical learning to the forefront of applied L&D since its emergence in the industry.โ€ฏ While strong traditional hands-on use cases continue to advance in safety and manufacturing; AR can be used creatively to bring real time coaching and on-the-job learning support to remote employees in computer based office roles as well, such as Sales, Service and IT.โ€ฏ Join this session to discuss: 

  • Utilization of AR/VR technology for skills based coaching and on-the-job learning support 
  • Asynchronous onboarding strategy and the role of immersive technology. 
  • Engaging remote learners with centralized AR/VR guidance and continuous development.

12:25 pm - 1:05 pm HR Track | Embracing the AI Revolution in HR: Pioneering a Future-Focused Approach

The year 2024 has marked a significant milestone in the integration of AI across industries. Professionals worldwide are embracing AI to propel organizational achievements. Nevertheless, navigating the vast landscape of AI and staying informed of continual advancements poses its own set of challenges. How can HR leaders collaboratively steer forward-thinking AI decisions? Join this session to discover how HR professionals are currently:  

  • Seamlessly integrating AI into HR operations to enhance efficiency and efficacy  
  • Harnessing the latest AI breakthroughs to drive HR excellence and sustain competitiveness  
  • Sustaining a state-of-the-art HR tech infrastructure through ongoing adaptation and innovation 


1:10 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch

Team Builder

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Building Synergy Through Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork are essential for L&D teams to succeed. Participate in this engaging team-building exercise to help your group work more cooperatively to create results that surpass the goals of your company while also exceeding expectations. 


3:05 pm - 3:35 pm Masterclass #1 | Cultivating Learning Communities for a Robust Learning Culture within the Organization

Nurturing learning communities stands as a vital pillar in cultivating and sustaining a culture of learning within your organization. This approach encourages employees to share their insights and engage in social learning, fostering camaraderie. Learning cohorts, whether conducted digitally or in person, bolster learning through mutual accountability and the exchange of diverse perspectives and expertise. Join this session to explore:  

  • Strategies for promoting social learning among employees  
  • Leveraging learning communities to foster a culture of continuous learning  
  • Encouraging the sharing of skills to enrich collective knowledge 

3:05 pm - 3:35 pm Masterclass #2 | Organizing Live Trainings that Engage Learners

Cohort-based, facilitated training is returning. For many students, the opportunity to ask questions and get an immediate response during a live training session is a major benefit. How can learning leaders guarantee the effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement of live trainings? Join this session to discuss:   

  • When necessary, making sure that participants in live trainings have the option to be in-person and remote  
  • Selecting the best course facilitator for your live session 
  • Promoting engaging training techniques 

3:05 pm - 3:35 pm Masterclass #3 | Building a Scalable Learning Ecosystem

The use of technology in education has expanded beyond a single system, LMS, authoring tool, or even a select few tools. Organizations today rely on a broad range of platforms and solutions to solve diverse concerns and business objectives across the company. Modern L&D professionals need to coordinate a broad ecosystem of affordable, robust, and adjustable solutions. Join this session to discuss:   

  • Organizing L&D programs across several platforms and technological systems  
  • Setting up and building your tech stack and learning environment  
  • Keeping your learning ecosystem flexible so you can easily add components as needed

3:05 pm - 3:35 pm Masterclass #4 | Creating Tailored Learning and Development Content to Advance Business Success

A lot of companies are choosing to enhance their learning initiatives with personalized learning materials, either to create a distinctive internal learning and development program or to improve collaboration with learning resources from outside providers. The content creation process that is appropriate for your firm can be difficult to find: content needs to be interesting, readable, educational, and tailored specifically to your needs. Join this session to discuss:   

  • Choosing the learning content that fits your organizational goals  
  • Assisting internal learning designers in developing more imaginative and engaging content  
  • Developing engaging content that can be accessed at any time 

3:40 pm - 4:10 pm Masterclass #5 | Developing Learning Programs for Frontline Employees

As L&D executives promote ongoing innovation, it is crucial to make sure that learning best practices are applied for both frontline staff and office workers. For frontline workers to have equitable learning opportunities, L&D executives need to offer information to "desk-less" staff. In order to accomplish this, mobile-accessible content and on-site training can be beneficial. Join this session to discuss:  

  • Customizing learning materials for frontline employees  
  • Providing efficient and effective learning for busy staff  
  • Ensuring that frontline employees have opportunities for professional advancement 

3:40 pm - 4:10 pm Masterclass #6 | Fostering Innovation and Creativity with Psychological Safety

Organizations should prioritize psychological safety in order to foster a culture where employees are willing to take chances and voice their opinions. By removing obstacles to speaking up and exchanging differing viewpoints, a psychologically safe environment promotes open communication, teamwork, and creativity. In the end, psychological safety results in increased employee engagement, output, and general well-being. Join this session to discuss:   

  • Best practices for fostering psychological safety in the workplace 
  • Creating open lines of communication that permit candid discussion and criticism without fear of repercussion 
  • Promoting an environment of empathy and respect where people feel appreciated and encouraged to voice their opinions 

3:40 pm - 4:10 pm Masterclass #7 | Creating a Company-Wide Culture of Coaching

Employee development heavily relies on courses and learning materials, but social and community learning is also important. Employees in their early or mid-career are looking for coaches and mentors with whom they can share ideas, and they are starting to expect their companies to provide this. Join this session to discuss:    

  • Developing programs for inclusive coaching and mentoring  
  • Common difficulties and barriers businesses encounter when attempting to establish or strengthen their coaching and mentoring initiatives 
  • Building scalable coaching and mentoring programs

3:40 pm - 4:10 pm Masterclass #8 | Promoting Innovation with Peer-to-Peer Learning

A lot of companies are choosing to enhance their learning initiatives with personalized learning materials, either to create a distinctive internal learning and development program or to improve collaboration with learning resources from outside providers. The content creation process that is appropriate for your firm can be difficult to find: content needs to be interesting, readable, educational, and tailored specifically to your needs. Join this session to discuss:   

  • Choosing the learning content that fits your organizational goals  
  • Assisting internal learning designers in developing more imaginative and engaging content  
  • Developing engaging content that can be accessed at any time 

Masterclasses are 30-minute sessions allowing you to get up to speed quickly on some of the most timely topics in the industry. Preselect 2 topics and attend in any order you wish. Each topic will be repeated two times so you will not miss out on the topics of your choice no matter what order you choose to participate in.

Demo Drive | Exhibit Break

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm

Corporate Learning Network Advisory Board Discussion

5:20 pm - 6:00 pm Corporate Learning Network Advisory Board Discussion - Open to All, Get to Know the Leaders

Join this interactive, rapid-fire panel discussion with CLN Advisory Board members where you are part of the discussion and get to participate in driving the questions. 

Cocktail Reception and L&D Fight Club

6:15 pm - 7:15 pm Cocktail Reception and L&D Fight Club

L&D Fight Club - see two teams face-off on some of the most controversial (and trivial) topics in L&D. Would you or your team like to participate in a L&D Fight Club (aka informal and fun debate)? Please contact your Community Manager