Main Conference Day 2: Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Women in L&D Leadership Breakfast

7:30 am - 8:30 am Women in L&D Leadership Breakfast

While women make up most of the entry-level and junior roles in L&D, this does not translate to more women holding senior-level L&D positions. Recent research by Donald Taylor revealed that support and entry-level positions were 67% female, but for senior-level leadership roles, males take 69% of those roles. Everyone, women and allies alike, are invited to join this breakfast to discuss why more women arenโ€™t moving into more senior-level L&D roles and what we can all do to support more women with career growth goals. 

Chairperson Opening Remarks

8:30 am - 8:40 am Chairperson Opening Remarks

Keynote Panel Discussion

8:40 am - 9:15 am Integrating the Latest AI Advancements into Your L&D Programs

Keeping up with technology as it advances rapidly is a major challenge facing todayโ€™s L&D professionals. AI in particular continues to evolve in groundbreaking and unpredictable ways that are profoundly impacting the working world. How can L&D leaders ensure they are continuing to advance their learning programs with the latest capabilities? Attend this panel to learn about:  

  • Identifying and integrating new advancements in AI with previously existing technology systems 
  • Ensuring learning programs are adaptable to incorporate evolving technology 
  • Integrating AI when facing budget and time constraints 

Keynote Fireside Panel

9:20 am - 10:00 am Cultivating Human Skills for Modern Leaders

In the new era of work, the development of human skills for leaders is paramount. The current workforce expects leaders with high emotional intelligence, who 

display empathy and adaptability. Leaders with these traits are far more likely to foster a psychologically safe environment for their employees, improving 

engagement and retention. Attend this panel to learn about:

  • Strategies for increasing empathy and emotional intelligence in leadership to create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture 
  • Practical techniques for developing adaptability and resilience in leaders to effectively navigate uncertainties and rapid changes in the modern work landscape
  • Success stories illustrating how prioritizing human skills in leadership can lead to tangible improvements in employee morale, productivity, and organizational performance

Demo Drive | Exhibit Break

10:05 am - 11:05 am Demo Drive | Exhibit Break

Track Sessions

11:10 am - 11:50 am Strategy & Innovation | Advancing Business Objectives through a Strategic L&D Framework

A robust L&D strategy considers the overarching goals and growth trajectories of the entire organization. This necessitates consistent dialogue between learning leaders, the C-Suite, executives, and various departments to design learning initiatives that drive the company forward. It's imperative to showcase the tangible benefits of learning programs to company stakeholders. Join this session to explore: 

  • The significance of C-Suite engagement in fostering a culture of continuous learning 
  • Developing an organizational alignment strategy tailored to address your companyโ€™s distinctive requirements 
  • Techniques for evaluating and presenting learning metrics that underscore the value of L&D initiatives to the business 

11:10 am - 11:50 am Data, Analytics & Problem-Solving | Establishing and Sustaining Learning Ecosystems

Modern learning environments encompass a multitude of platforms and technologies that need to harmonize seamlessly to offer personalized learning journeys for users. Organizations depend on these diverse technologies to meet the evolving demands of learning. Yet, for L&D professionals, selecting technologies that synergize effectively while being dependable, flexible, and efficient poses a challenge. Join this session to learn about: 

  • Strategies for overseeing learning content across various platforms 
  • Sustaining a flexible learning environment to facilitate the addition or removal of components as needed 
  • Crafting a learning ecosystem that caters to the needs of all employees 

11:10 am - 11:50 am HR Track | Interpreting HR Analytics and Data to Make Informed Decisions

In the current digital age, data is essential for making well-informed decisions. The capacity to evaluate the volume of data that HR departments gather is becoming increasingly important. HR directors need to gather data, but they also need to analyze it to make informed decisions. Attend this session to learn about: 

  • Studying concrete case studies where CHROs have used data to make significant decisions about workforce dynamics 
  • Recognizing data as a strategic tool capable of guiding informed decisions and changing HR strategy 
  • Encouraging the use of analytics to propel organizational success by fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making in HR 

Track Sessions

11:55 am - 12:35 pm Strategy & Innovation | Encouraging Internal Mobility with a Strong Learning Ecosystem

An effective internal mobility strategy holds numerous advantages for businesses. Firstly, during economic downturns, it enables employees impacted by budget constraints to transition into roles where they can thrive. Furthermore, today's workforce increasingly demands opportunities for career advancement, whether through lateral moves, promotions within the organization, or acquiring valuable skills that enhance their career trajectory. To establish a robust internal mobility strategy, personalized upskilling and reskilling initiatives within a strong learning ecosystem are imperative. Join this session to discuss:  

  • The crucial elements for building a successful internal mobility program 
  • Crafting learning programs and content that enhance employee adaptability 
  • Ensuring your learning ecosystem supports internal mobility 

11:55 am - 12:35 pm Data, Analytics & Problem-Solving | Navigating Learning Metrics: A Comprehensive Handbook for Data Collection That Drives Results

It's widely acknowledged that gathering learning metrics is crucial for ensuring that (L&D) initiatives deliver tangible value to both learners and the business. Nonetheless, grappling with which metrics to prioritize, establishing robust data collection methods, and effectively interpreting and utilizing this data for the continuous improvement of L&D programs can prove challenging. Equally important is articulating this information to business leaders in terms of its impact on productivity and profitability, underscoring the clear organizational value of learning. Join this session to gain insights into: 

  • Identifying skill gaps that impede organizational progress 
  • Aligning learning programs with the organization's objectives and requirements to create bespoke solutions 
  • Planning learning programs with defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track progress 
  • Selecting and presenting pertinent metrics to business leaders, elucidating the significance of learning initiatives for organizational success

11:55 am - 12:35 pm HR Track I | Managing Organizational Change: The Function of HR in Change Management

In the ever-changing environment of today's workplaces, organizational transformation has become the norm. HR specialists are essential in helping companies navigate these changes. Join this session to learn about: 

  • HR's varied roles in change management in regard to stakeholder engagement, training, and communication 
  • Using HR knowledge to support a resilient, flexible, and innovative culture during times of change 
  • Working with important stakeholders throughout the company to lead change efforts that are successful and meet organizational objectives 

CLN Trailblazers Awards & Lunch

12:40 pm - 2:40 pm Special Luncheon Banquet for the CLN Trailblazers Awards

Recognize and celebrate excellence, innovation, and collaboration at the CLN Trailblazers Awards. 

The CLN Trailblazers Awards will recognize L&D teams in the following categories:

  • L&D Team of the Year for Collaboration
  •  Excellence in Employee Experience
  •  Rising L&D Star of the Year
  •  Learning Legacy of the Year 
  •  Best L&D Solution Provider of the Year

Closing Keynote

2:40 pm - 3:10 pm Closing Keynote

Site Tour

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Site Tour - TBD