Pre-Conference Workshops, Team Builder & Academy: Monday, October 7, 2024

Workshop Registration

7:30 am - 7:45 am Workshop Registration


7:45 am - 8:30 am Breakfast

Morning Workshop

8:30 am - 11:00 am Building Empathy for a Supportive Workplace

Technical abilities are important for organizational success in today’s quickly changing landscape. However, the attributes of a supportive work atmosphere that fosters ongoing skill development are still crucial. L&D professionals should promote an environment of empathy and psychological safety throughout the company so that employees feel empowered to grow and are inspired to reach their full potential. Participate in this session to learn about:

  • The tangible benefits of a growth mindset in the face of today’s dynamic challenges
  • Strategies for educating employees in human skills and creating psychological safety to support a growth mindset across the organization
  • Methods for leaders to transfer human skills through efficient coaching and mentoring practices, fostering an environment of continuous improvement and adaptability 


11:15 am - 12:00 pm Lunch


12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Leveraging Targeted Instructional Design to Involve the Hybrid Workforce

Because the majority of today's workforce is hybrid, learning programs need to be designed with both in-person and remote workers in mind. Employees also expect tailored learning journeys and possibilities for professional advancement from instructional design and learning content more than ever before. Participate in this workshop to discuss:  

  • The most effective and efficient methods for instructional design 
  • Creating captivating learning materials that take into consideration mixed workspaces 
  • Improving L&D initiatives to promote professional advancement 

Team Builder Workshop

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Developing an Inclusive Learning Culture Throughout the Company

Learning initiatives frequently run the risk of becoming compartmentalized or overly focused on a single aspect of the company. Employees at every level of the organization, from entry-level to C-suite, will have room to progress if there is a learning culture. However, maintaining growth at every level of the business can be challenging. Join this workshop to discuss:  

  • Best strategies for incorporating employees from different departments, ranks, and locations into your learning culture  
  • Using coaching and mentoring to increase involvement across the board in the company  
  • Fostering a company-wide growth mindset 

Collaboration & Communication Workshop

4:45 pm - 6:45 pm Accounting for Global Skill Demand with L&D Programs

In the ever-changing modern working world, flexibility is essential. Workers need to constantly learn new skills, including technological know-how as well as human skills like empathy and leadership. This means learning programs should be constantly evolving. Participate in this workshop to learn about: 

  • Techniques for determining the fundamental abilities your employees require to remain competitive in a global setting 
  • The importance of matching learning programs to global skill demand, such as improved employee retention and overall business success 
  • Methods for ensuring relevance and efficacy by incorporating reskilling and upskilling programs into already-existing training framework