Experience to Lead
Experience to Lead designs and delivers “unique experiences that bring leadership to life” through immersive experiential leadership development programs in unforgettable locations. The purpose is to improve the leadership capability of individuals, teams, and organizations, to lead through change and propel them to higher levels of success, performance, and growth.
We do so by engaging you in powerful leadership stories and facilitating dynamic discussions so you become emotionally connected to the subject matter. In this way, the learning is applicable, personal and deeply rooted, allowing you to improve you, your team and your organization.
We deliver these unforgettable experiences in awesome locations: NASA’s Space Centers, Olympic Training Centers, Carolinas Aviation Museum and renowned battlefields. Experience to Lead draws on the expertise of its partners and facilitators, who have decades of learning and development experience with The Conference Board, IBM and ITT. For more information, please visit www.experiencetolead.com.