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Today’s classroom needs an upgrade to support 21st Century teaching. Despite shifts in teaching methods, the physical classroom has more or less remained stubbornly static. Nonetheless there are notable efforts to address this issue as educational institutions strive for innovation in developing flexible and collaborative learning spaces. To discover more, the Next Generation Learning Spaces team spoke to three industry leaders from prominent institutions on the strategies they are implementing.
With classrooms shifting from whiteboards to smart boards, traditional layouts to open plan spaces, and teacher-led lessons to more collaborative learning experiences, it’s more crucial than ever to recognise these trends to remain competitive. At the forefront of these changes is technology; its interactive and immersive qualities enhance students’ desire to learn and retain information.
Find out how your learning peers have successfully integrated and implemented cutting edge technology and blockchain, revolutionizing their learning spaces to foster experiential learning outcomes.
Close your eyes. Imagine a space 100% dedicated to creativity. It has exclusive, high-tech tools you can’t find anywhere else. It is outfitted with plush, comfortable furniture that enhance hardcore brainstorming sessions. It’s open and spacious, but contained enough to not be overwhelming. There is only one thing asked of you when you enter the space: get creative.
These fantasy lands are real and they’re called makerspaces. Simply defined as collaborative work spaces found within schools, libraries, or other public/private facilities, makerspaces are dedicated to learning, exploration, and sharing. They bring the latest technology that individuals can’t find elsewhere into one space for students to test out. They encourage users to get outside of their comfort zones and blur academic lines.
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