Changing Perspectives to Innovate in Collaboration, Accessibility and Teaching and Learning

Changing Perspectives to Innovate in Collaboration, Accessibility and Teaching and Learning

A commonly heard buzzword in higher education is innovation. But what does innovation look like? What is the purpose of innovation? In reality, innovative practices may have nothing to do with technology. Instead, innovation may simply involve a shift in thinking, a new collaboration, a new perspective. In this session, we’ll look at how shifting our thinking on a project to update general classrooms and a student lab helped to promote collaboration, accessibility and the opportunity for more teaching and learning innovation.

In this session participants will:

  • Examine how new collaborations fostered new perspectives
  • Identify how to create innovative spaces within a tight budget
  • Explore practical applications of innovations in teaching, learning and administrative environments

Presentation by:

Ana Thompson, Learning & Access Designer, University of Washington, Bothell

David Moehring, Senior Capital Planner, Physical Planning & Space Management, University of Washington Bothell

Andreas Brockhaus, Executive Director, Office of Digital Learning & Innovation, University of Washington, Bothell

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