COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has significantly altered our "new normal" as we know it. With companies shutting down offices, workers moving remote and business needs shifting, L&D leaders are challenged with sustaining training efforts at an accelerated digital pace, in an unknown environment. This hub will share articles and resources to help keep leaders agile, mindful and informed throughout this pandemic.
What Disruption Reveals About Engaging Millennial Employees
June 01 by Gallup NewsGallup found that engagement of Millennials - the biggest age cohort in the U.S. workforce and the most likely to quit - has been rising due to these five variables.
Leadership During Crisis
January 24 by Leader to LeaderCLN is bringing back this article to show how leaders adapt strategies and align resources to navigate uncertain times.
The Learning Organization of the Future - What Will It Look Like?
May 18 by Jim ChampyVery few organizations are designed to last. Today, they should be asking hard questions about the sustainability of its enterprise: what will it take to survive this period of business disruption and...
How Learning Leaders Can Bring More Humanity to Work
May 02 by Anne McSilverShubhang Dave, head of people science, for Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, at LinkedIn, shares what’s driving employee happiness and how learning leaders can support care and well-...
The Truth About the ‘Great Resignation’ – Who Changed Jobs, Where They Went and Why
April 27 by Carlos Carrillo-TudelaAre workers quitting work entirely, as the pandemic makes us reevaluate our priorities? Or are they quitting to pursue their dreams in a different career? We’ve been looking at to what extent The Grea...
Leading With Empathy
March 17 by Leslie HammerIn these uncertain and highly stressful times, there's a heightened reliance on managers to maintain the well-being, health and safety of their workforce - on top of their typical roles. It feels like...
Leading For “The Human Moment”
January 25 by Dr. Amy BradleyAs we move towards an uncertain future, great leadership may be less about acts of heroism and more about small, daily gestures of human-to-human connection when leaders prioritize the relational aspe...
10 Well-being Practices to Guide Leaders
January 17 by Gallup NewsGallup found that workers are losing belief that their employer cares about their well-being. Employers can draw on a returning workforce to reintroduce wellbeing though. What's the key to building a...
Rebuilding Trust Through Eye Contact
July 28 by David WeitznerThe pandemic has forced most of us to move our lives on to screens. And as we get more comfortable hiding behind screens, rarely receiving and making eye contact, we are also handicapping our ability...
The Future of Work Learning
June 07 by Mason StevensonThere is a light at the end of the Pandemic Tunnel, but what does that light shine on the future of work learning? This article takes a data driven approach to outlining what that future may hold.
The Stupidest (and Best) Superpower
April 19 by Jacquelyn Fletcher JohnsonIn the past year, we’ve all struggled with the uncertainty of COVID-19, shifting how we work, homeschooling our kids and learning to connect and solve problems virtually. And here's the superpower we...
2 Key Questions Leaders Must Ask Themselves to Surge Back
April 07 by Gallup NewsMany leaders have been planning how to re-launch their operations and recapture lost business. As leaders prioritize the emerging recovery phase, they should pause to reflect on the lessons learned th...