8 Reasons Change Efforts Fail & How to Avoid Them
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Introducing Change to Your Organization
According to Peter F. Drucker, people really don't resist change; It's the way changes are introduced in organizations that they often object to.
What then are some of the errors that are made when a change effort is introduced which creates resistance and hinders the success of their change efforts?
These errors, which are presented in an organizational change context, include:
Error #1: Not Establishing a Great Enough Sense of Urgency
Opportunities are lost because the organization fails to establish a sense of urgency as to why the change is needed.
Error #2: Not Creating a Powerful Enough and Guiding Coalition
Organizations fail to assemble a group with enough power and prestige to lead the change effort and also may not have top management’s commitment and full support.
Error #3: Lacking a Vision
Organizations fail to create a vision for the future to help direct the change effort–what will be different after the change? What will be preserved? What is the strategy and objectives for achieving the vision?
Error #4: Under-Communicating the Vision
Organizations fail to communicate a vision for the future. What will the organization look like as a result of the change? The vision has to be presented as an opportunity, not a threat.
Error #5: Not Removing Obstacles to the New Vision
Systems, policies or structures that seriously undermine the vision aren't dealt with and removed.
Error #6: Not Systematically Planning & Creating Short-Term Wins
Individuals aren't recognized or rewarded for performance improvement as a result of their change efforts.
Error #7: Declaring Victory Too Soon
Organizations fail to monitor the progress of their change efforts and evaluate results. Often times, victory is declared when the change has not been totally implemented.
Error #8: Not Anchoring Changes in the Organization’s Culture
Organizations fail to have employees accept the change as the way things will be done from now on and as such, they revert to their old familiar ways of doing things.
Change and the Need for Continuity
According to Drucker, change should also be accompanied with continuity. Education and communications are extremely important relative to changes the organization plans to implement.
Part of these communications must include what's going right in order to reinforce morale, protect self worth, build creditability and reduce potential resistance.
Also, in addition to describing the vision (what the organization will look like after the change), it's important to communicate what will be preserved.
Equally important, is communicating the relationship or linkage between the planned change and the overall direction of the organization: That the change is consistent with the organization’s mission, vision and values.
"When you introduce change, it’s very important to maintain continuity and the commitment to fundamental values, which don’t change." Peter F. Drucker
Drucker and What Organizations Shouldn't Change
According to Drucker, there are a number of things that organizations shouldn't change. These things are mainly in the human-behavioral area and include:
The Need for Recognition
Employees need to be recognized for their contribution. Although changes may be required in the organization, employees must be assured that they're doing some things "right" and that the changes being made aren't as a result of, or a reflection of their performance.
The Need for Respect
Regardless of what changes may be required, individuals in the organization must continue to be treated with respect. One way of providing respect is to continually communicate why the change or changes are necessary.
The Need for Trust
Employees must continue to have trust in their management. One way of maintaining trust when change efforts take place is to communicate to employees what will be preserved and that the changes are consistent with the organization’s mission, objectives, vision and strategy.
The Need to Feel Productive
According to Abraham Maslow and his "Hierarchy of Needs Theory," people strive for self-actualization, the need to be able to utilize their knowledge and skills in performing meaningful work.
Although changes may be taking place, there needs to be continuity with respect to people’s work. Changes which are being implemented must appear to be consistent with the direction and vision of the organization and individual contributions.
The Need to Grow
Organizations must continue to provide their managers and employees with an opportunity to learn and grow. Change can be a very positive opportunity to provide personal learning and growth opportunities.