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5 Reasons Why HR for HR is Absolutely Necessary (And Why YOU Can't Afford to Ignore It!)

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Adrina Walker
Adrina Walker

5 Reasons Why HR for HR is Absolutely Necessary (And Why YOU Can't Afford to Ignore It!)


We've all heard the saying "who watches the watchmen?" Well, in our world, it's more like "who HRs for HR?" Having dedicated HR support for your HR team isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have:


1. We're human too, y'all!

HR pros are superheroes, but we're not invincible. We deal with heavy stuff day in and day out, and that takes a toll. A study by SHRM found that 42% of HR professionals reported feeling "somewhat burned out" or "very burned out" in their roles. Having our own HR support gives us a safe space to vent, seek guidance, and recharge our batteries. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup!


2. Conflict resolution isn't just for others

Ever tried mediating a dispute between two HR colleagues? Talk about awkward! Having a neutral third party who understands HR complexities can be a game-changer. It's not just about keeping the peace; it's about modeling the behavior we expect from the rest of the organization.


3. Career development shouldn't be DIY

We spend so much time focusing on everyone else's growth that we often neglect ours. A dedicated HR for HR function can help create structured development plans, identify skill gaps, and advocate for training budgets. After all, investing in HR talent is investing in the entire company's future.


4. Compliance isn't just for other departments

Here's where it gets serious, folks. The legal risks of not having HR for HR are no joke. From wage and hour violations to discrimination claims, HR departments aren't immune to the very issues we help others navigate. A 2022 report by the EEOC showed a 13% increase in retaliation claims against HR professionals. Having a dedicated resource to ensure we're practicing what we preach can save a whole lot of headaches (and potentially big bucks) down the line.


5. Innovation requires fresh perspectives

When we're stuck in the day-to-day grind, it's hard to step back and see the bigger picture. An HR for HR function can bring in new ideas, challenge the status quo, and help us stay ahead of industry trends. It's like having a personal coach for your entire HR team!


Now, I know what you're thinking - "But we're already stretched thin! How can we justify another HR role?" Here's the kicker: according to a study by Deloitte, companies with strong HR capabilities are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their peers. So really, can you afford not to invest in HR for HR?

What's been your experience with HR support for HR teams? Have you seen the benefits firsthand? Share your thoughts in the comments below!